Visual Marketing – StudioNow Creative Production Experts & Visual Content Marketplace Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:34:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Visual Marketing – StudioNow 32 32 Crafting Authentic Connections: Lessons from Harlequin’s Social Media Thu, 17 Aug 2023 15:38:02 +0000 Read More]]>

Having an engaging and successful social media strategy isn’t just about pretty pictures and flashy products on Instagram; it’s about forging a genuine connection with your audience while staying true to your brand’s values. This isn’t an easy feat, but don’t worry, we’ve got a perfect example to inspire you!

Meet our client partner, the social media masters at Harlequin! They’ve perfected the art of weaving their values into every post, engaging with their audience across various platforms, from Instagram to YouTube and TikTok, they’re even on the cutting edge with Threads!

In this blog post, we aim to take a page from Harlequin’s book. Exploring their social media strategies across each of their main channels that have helped them to cultivate their deep and meaningful relationships with their audience on and off the page.


Instagram Strategies: Building Authentic Connections

Harlequin understands that Instagram is an ideal platform to establish genuine connections with their audience. To achieve this, they have embraced various strategies:

Author Interviews and Creator Posts: Harlequin offers a glimpse into the minds of the writers themselves, allowing readers to form a personal connection with the creators behind their favorite books.

Product Release Posts: Professional photography (created by StudioNow’s Marcella D) and engaging captions are used to promote new book releases, generating excitement among followers.

Cultural themed Posts: Celebrating timely events like Pride Month, Harlequin aligns its content with meaningful themes, showcasing their commitment to diversity and inclusivity.


Entertaining Posts: By playfully suggesting books based on readers’ horoscopes, Harlequin adds a touch of entertainment to their feed while promoting their products.

User Interaction: Harlequin highlights customers’ reviews and mentions through Instagram Stories, fostering a sense of community and appreciation.

YouTube Strategies: Engaging Long-Form Content

On their YouTube channel, Harlequin delves deeper into content, providing value to their viewers and readers.

Author Recommendations Series: By featuring authors recommending books, Harlequin establishes authority and enhances reader trust in their choices.
Booktuber Videos: Working with notable romance genre YouTube influencers on creating videos that appeal to readers establishes Harlequin as being a go-to brand for fun romance reading content.
Utilizing YouTube Shorts: Embracing shorter, TikTok-inspired content types keeps the channel fresh and relevant, appealing to a wider audience.

TikTok and Threads: Reaching New Audiences

Harlequin recognizes the potential of TikTok and Threads in capturing the attention of new customers:

TikTok: Using short-form videos and trending challenges, Harlequin capitalizes on TikTok’s massive user base, introducing their brand to a wider audience.

Threads: Engaging in threaded conversations allows Harlequin to interact intimately with readers, nurturing deeper relationships.

In conclusion, Harlequin Books’ social media strategy stands as a shining example of the boundless potential that a well-rounded and versatile approach can unlock. Their skillful navigation of various platforms and tailored content has drawn in new customers while fostering enduring relationships with existing ones. 

We asked Harlequin what advice they would give to a fellow brand wanting to grow their relationship with their audience via social media;

“Listen to your audience, engage with them daily, offer great content, and always be responsive. These are a few of the key practices we take pride in at Harlequin for establishing and maintaining long-term, meaningful relationships with our authors and readers online.”  ­

–Stefanie Buszynski, Social Media Manager

As you continue your brands venture into the realm of social media, take inspiration from Harlequin’s triumphs – a valuable blueprint for connecting with audiences at every stage of the customer journey.  Remember, it’s not just about pretty pictures; it’s the art of crafting meaningful connections and effectively communicating your brand’s values that will truly set you apart. 

Inspired to start your next project?

Chat with our producers today! Our talented in-house team covers all content categories. Or, create your own brief and find skilled Creators to match your budget and needs – all in one project
How to Communicate and Collaborate on Brand Projects without a Style Guide Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:26:29 +0000 Read More]]>

No style guide? No problem! In this article, we’ll show you how to communicate and collaborate effectively on brand projects. We’ll dive into understanding your brand identity, defining clear objectives, conveying brand aesthetics and tone, and fostering collaboration. With these strategies, you’ll bring your brand’s vision to life, no matter if you’re working with internal teams or external agencies. Get ready to navigate brand projects without a style guide and achieve outcomes that captivate your audience and stay true to your brand’s values.

Let’s get started by exploring these key points to provide creative direction without a style guide:

  1. Clearly Define Project Objectives, Adapting Based on Content Type
    Start by summarizing the goals and main takeaways for the content type. Whether it’s a blog post or a product description, communicate the purpose and desired outcome clearly to ensure everyone understands the context.
  2. Provide Brand Context Tailored to the Content Type
    Tailor the description of your brand and its visual elements to highlight what’s most relevant to the specific content type. If it’s social media graphics, emphasize the visual identity and key elements that can be incorporated. For infographics, focus on your brand’s core values and mission that can be visually represented.
  3. Share Visual Inspirations Specific to the Content Type
    Offer visual references that align with the content type you’re working on. If it’s an email newsletter, share examples of well-designed newsletters capturing the desired aesthetics and layout. For video campaigns, provide references showcasing engaging video content. Make sure the inspirations match the specific requirements and format of the content type.
  4. Convey Brand Aesthetics and Tone in Alignment with the Content Type
    Describe the visual elements, colors, typography, or imagery preferences that are suitable for the specific content type. Specify the desired color scheme and typography for landing pages, or explain the tone and style of voice for podcasts. Adapt the desired mood and emotions based on the content type, be it formal for press releases or casual and friendly for social media posts.
  5. Highlight Core Messages Relevant to the Content Type
    Identify the core messages or unique selling points (USPs) that are most impactful for the specific content type. Focus on what resonates best with the audience engaging with that content. Clearly communicate these core messages to agencies or creatives, emphasizing their importance in the context of the content type to ensure effective incorporation.
  6. Encourage Collaboration and Feedback Throughout the Content Creation Process
    Schedule regular check-ins and feedback sessions tailored to the specific content type. For website redesigns, have milestone reviews for wireframes, design mock-ups, and development stages. When working on advertisement campaigns, set feedback sessions for initial concepts, storyboards, and final assets. Provide specific feedback that addresses the content type’s unique objectives and requirements. Encourage agencies or creatives to share their work in stages, allowing for feedback and revisions along the way, ensuring the content evolves according to your expectations.

Stay Consistent Even Without A Style Guide

Customize your communication and collaboration approach to match the content type, even without a formal style guide. By following the steps outlined in this guide, from defining project objectives to fostering collaboration and feedback, you’ll create content that resonates with your audience, strengthens your brand identity, and achieves project success.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blog, where we’ll dive into the process of creating a brand style guide. Discover how to establish a cohesive visual identity, define brand guidelines, and ensure consistency across all brand assets. 


Inspired to start your next project?

Chat with our producers today! Our talented in-house team covers all content categories. Or, create your own brief and find skilled Creators to match your budget and needs – all in one project
How Custom Photo Libraries Can Help Your Brand Stand Out Fri, 02 Jun 2023 15:05:02 +0000 Read More]]>

Stock photos may be convenient, but they often fall short in capturing a brand’s unique vision and message. That’s why more and more brands are turning to custom photo libraries to showcase their products, services, and people. In this blog post, we’ll explore why custom photo libraries are important for brands, and how they can help you create more effective marketing campaigns.


The Limitations of Stock Photos

Stock photos are readily available and easy to use, but they come with some limitations that can make it hard for your brand to stand out. Firstly, stock photos are often overused, which means that they lack authenticity and may not resonate with your audience. Additionally, stock photos may not reflect your brand’s unique personality, values, or visual style, which can result in a generic look and feel for your marketing campaigns.


What is a Custom Photo Library?

A custom photo library is a collection of images that are specifically tailored to a brand’s unique needs and style. By commissioning a photographer or team of photographers to create a custom photo library, a brand can ensure that all of its imagery is consistent and on-brand.


The Benefits of Custom Photo Libraries

There are several benefits to using a custom photo library for your brand’s visual content:

  1. Unique and Authentic: Custom photos are unique to your brand, which means they won’t be found on other websites or in other advertisements. This can help your brand stand out and be more memorable. Custom photos also allow you to showcase your unique personality and tell your story in an authentic way.
  2. Consistency: With a custom photo library, you can ensure that all of your visual content is consistent in terms of style, color, and overall aesthetic. This consistency can help build brand recognition and make your marketing efforts more effective.
  3. Flexibility: A custom photo library can be tailored to your brand’s specific needs and can include images that are relevant to your products or services. It can also include images of employees, customers, or other individuals that help tell your brand’s story.
  4. Cost-Effective: While creating a custom photo library may seem expensive upfront, it can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. You can use the images in the library for multiple campaigns, which can save money on the cost of hiring photographers for each individual campaign or licensing photos with each use.


Tips for Creating a Custom Photo Library

If you’re considering creating a custom photo library for your brand, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Work with a photographer who understands your brand’s vision and values.
  2. Plan your photoshoots in advance to ensure that you capture the images you need.
  3. Involve employees or customers in the photoshoot to add a personal touch.
  4. Use the images in your custom photo library across multiple marketing campaigns to get the most value for your investment.

In conclusion, a custom photo library can be a great option for brands that want to create unique, authentic, and consistent visual content. By commissioning a custom photo library, you can showcase your brand’s unique personality and story, and create more effective marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience.


Looking to build your brand's custom photo library?

StudioNow provides custom photo and video libraries tailored to your brand, helping you showcase your unique visual identity. Contact us today to elevate your brand with stunning custom visuals.
Photo Licensing and Image Usage Guide for Brands Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:52:31 +0000 Read More]]>

Images are a vital component of any brand’s marketing strategy. They have the power to convey messages, evoke emotions, and influence consumer decisions. However, it’s crucial to understand the importance of proper licensing and permission to avoid legal and financial consequences. In this short guide, we’ll explore the basics of photo licensing and image usage for brands, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to make informed choices. 

Types of Photo Licenses: Royalty-Free and Rights-Managed

Photo licensing forms a legal agreement between the copyright holder and those seeking to use the photo. By licensing a photo, you gain the right to use it, but remember, the copyright holder retains ownership. This agreement specifies the allowed usage outlined in the license.

There are various types of photo licenses, each with its own implications for usage. Let’s explore the two main categories:

Royalty-Free Licenses:

Royalty-free licenses enable multiple uses of a photo without additional fees. Look for reputable stock photo websites offering high-quality royalty-free images. Familiarize yourself with the license terms to understand usage rights.

Rights-Managed Licenses:

Rights-managed licenses may require additional fees for each use. Establish direct communication with copyright holders or work with licensing agencies for negotiation.

Using Stock Photos: Convenience and Mindful Incorporation

Stock photos offer a convenient and cost-effective way to incorporate images into your brand’s marketing materials. However, be mindful of the licensing requirements and restrictions associated with their use.

  • Most stock photo websites provide royalty-free licenses for multi-use convenience.
  • Be aware of limitations on usage, such as avoiding endorsement implications or industry-specific restrictions.

Creating Custom Photo Libraries: Benefits for Your Brand

Creating custom photo libraries offers consistent branding, authenticity, targeted appeal, enhanced SEO, and ownership and control. By investing in professional photographers or creative agencies, you can capture your brand’s essence and bring your vision to life. Elevate your brand’s visual presence, strengthen audience connection, and ensure a unique and controlled image experience. When developing a custom photo library, remember to:

  • Work with professional photographers who understand your brand’s vision and values.
  • Transfer copyright ownership to your brand for full control.

Importance of Proper Photo Licensing and Usage for Brands

Incorporating images into your brand’s marketing materials is a powerful way to engage with consumers and convey your message effectively. However, it’s essential to navigate the legal requirements and restrictions associated with image usage. Whether you opt for stock photos or invest in custom imagery, ensuring proper licenses and permissions safeguards your brand from legal and financial repercussions. By obtaining the necessary permissions and creating a compelling visual identity, you’ll captivate your target audience while elevating your brand’s image.


Looking for photos tailored to your brand?

StudioNow provides custom photo and video libraries tailored to your brand, helping you showcase your unique visual identity. Contact us today to elevate your brand with stunning custom visuals.
4 March Madness Marketing Campaigns To Inspire You Fri, 17 Mar 2023 14:51:05 +0000 Read More]]>

Popular sporting events, seasonal holidays, or national events can be helpful content pillars to inspire your marketing efforts and spark a connection with your audience.

March Madness is one of the most anticipated sports seasons of the year, and an excellent example of a sporting event many organizations focus marketing campaigns on. The season runs for a whole month and captures the attention of nearly 11 million people, making it easy to see why brands use this seasonal event to their advantage. 

So how exactly are brands using March Madness to create engaging and impactful content this year, and how can you do it, too? In this article, we’ll provide inspiration and ideas for designing your own seasonal campaign with examples from genuine brands. And in true March Madness fashion, we’ll predict how far they’ll go on our bracket.

Jersey Mike’s rewrites an anthem.

This amusing campaign shows Danny Devito training Jersey Mike’s employees in the art of meat slicing and sandwich making. There’s an apparent sporting angle, shown through Jersey Mike employees doing pull-ups and Danny sporting a rather fetching whistle, all of which feed into the March Madness theme.

The campaign is also audibly captivating and witty, using the instantly recognizable song’ eye of the tiger’ and replacing the lyrics with a more sandwich-themed ‘arm of the slicer’ lyrics—genius.

We found this advertisement charming, original, and fun, and scored them a spot in the Final Four.

Pizza Hut serves up nostalgia.

Pizza Hut, the “Official Pizza of March Madness” has brought back a fan-favorite toy from the 20th century for its March Madness campaign; its Mini Basketballs.

For a limited time, customers can order the black and red mini basketballs, emblazoned with the company’s slogan: ‘Nobody Out Pizzas the Hut’ for $7 through the Pizza Hut website and app. The mini basketballs pair perfectly with pizza orders during the tournament, featuring an interactive hoop in the pizza box for customers to get into the basketball action at home.

This campaign is a nostalgic, family-friendly, and delicious way for Pizza Hut to engage with its audience for the March Madness season; landing them in the Elite Eight.


Capital One stacks the bench with celebrities.

In this Capital One campaign, we see yet another fun remake of a famous song, rewritten to fit the theme of March Madness. Are Capital One and Jersey Mike’s employing the same marketing team? Well, if they aren’t, they’re definitely on the same wavelength.

Capital One has taken the opportunity to promote its venture card and its A-list-worthy creative budget. The campaign has an all-star cast consisting of Samuel L Jackson, Spike Lee, Charles Barkley Jackson, Willie Nelson, Jennifer Garner, sportscaster Jim Nantz, and basketball icon Magic Johnson… (takes a breath).

In the advertisement, we see our celebrities taking an all-American road trip, singing the classic Willie Nelson song ‘On the road again’ which they have topically adapted to; “The life I love is watching b-ball with my friends – and I can’t wait to get on the road again.”

This campaign has a high production quality, and we do really like Jennifer Garner. However, the storyline was a bit of a miss and knocked this campaign out in the Sweet 16.

LG Raises Awareness Using Student Athletes

LG Electronics USA uses its March Madness campaign to highlight the importance of mental health and wellness among student-athletes with its “Game 4 Good” campaign. The campaign brings together some of the biggest names in college basketball to raise awareness of the importance of mental health by sharing athlete stories, highlighting charitable organizations, and donating on behalf of student-athletes to their chosen resources to support mental health.

LG created short-form videos for each student-athlete involved in the campaign and repurposed that content to share across their website and social media channels.

LG used the topic of March Madness to demonstrate their values as a company and to give back and connect with their younger audience. Well done, LG, you’re going to the National Championship.

Feeling inspired?

If you’d like some more March Madness inspiration, check out the six slam dunk marketing campaign ideas we covered in 2021.

Whether you decide to keep it casual and remake a world-famous song with an all-star cast, bring back a nostalgic hit toy or use March Madness as an opportunity to raise awareness for an important cause – we can all agree that popular sporting events, seasonal holidays, or national events serve as helpful content pillars to inspire your marketing efforts and spark a connection with your audience.

Need some help creating custom content for your brand? Start a project with StudioNow or talk to one of our producers

2021 StudioNow Awards: Best Photo and Video Briefs Mon, 29 Nov 2021 23:56:29 +0000 Read More]]> Best Photo and Video Briefs of 2021

This year marks our first ever annual StudioNow Awards! Of the many brands that turned to StudioNow this year for photo or video production, we think these  briefs deserve some extra recognition.


1. Vivino

Vivino, the largest online wine marketplace, launched a new personalization feature this year, which gives a score from 0-100 based on how a wine will match the user’s taste. They launched a brief to get a video that would showcase the app’s new matchmaking abilities, and they searched for production companies on StudioNow and assigned Dream It Reel to the brief to create a fully edited video with some animation baked in.


2. Lyft

As the pandemic slowed and ridesharing popularity began increasing again this year, Lyft held a strong commitment to its brand identity known for representing joy, community, and optimism. Local scenery and experiences were essential in elevating that story, so they quickly hired StudioNow photographers across eight cities. While the individual shoots contained different surroundings and people, vibrant colors and a theme of spontaneous moments kept the brand consistent across locales. Rachel P. in Vancouver and Ashton H. in Minneapolis captured the below images.

Couple riding in car photo Friends commuting on bikes photo


3. Brooklyn Brewery

In celebration of its partnership with The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative, which supports organizations committed to fighting for LGBTQ+ rights, Laura Barisonzi captured lifestyle content highlighting the IPA at and near The Stonewall Inn in NYC. The delivered assets captured the authentic, vibrant look and feel that Brooklyn Brewery was aiming for.

Person opening beer photo Friends walking in New York photo


4. Doordash

Doordash has added many grocery and convenience stores as partners, but they were struggling to make their customers aware of these options beyond meal delivery. While many online delivery companies and retailers have classic white- or colored-background studio shots of products, Doordash decided to put their own twist on the studio shots to capture people’s attention. They incorporated intentional dark shadows paired with bright backgrounds, making the products really pop. They hired 15+ creators on StudioNow to get a high volume of content quickly. The below images were captured by Deidre S. and Heidi P..

Valentine's day photo of snacks Studio photo of drinks Studio photo of snacks


5. Mozilla

With a new Firefox browser launch, Mozilla wanted to focus on a new audience for the brand. To match the audience, they needed to produce photos that were adventurous, approachable, and edgy. They chose real users of their product and then worked with Jacki P. and Shameika E. on StudioNow to capture images of the moments where the users really into their crafts.

Man cooking photo Woman recording music photo


6. Splash Beverage Group

While Splash uses StudioNow to produce for multiple brands, one brief in particular stood out to us this year. They assigned Hannah H. to the brief to create beautiful social assets including feed posts, stories, and reels for their SALT tequila. With recipe videos, lifestyle photos, and more, the end result represented their distinct brand look and feel while providing enough variety to last them through the holiday season.

Cocktail studio photo Man grabbing drink for picnic photo Cocktail studio photo


Ready to ramp up your 2022 production?

Sign up for free and start producing more efficiently. StudioNow has photographers, videographers, and production companies in over 2,000 cities worldwide eager to create custom content for brands like yours. Perhaps you’ll even be in the running for a StudioNow Award next year!

How 4 Brands Created Localized Photos and Videos Just In Time for the Holidays Tue, 26 Oct 2021 00:17:10 +0000 Read More]]> With the holidays right around the corner, producing authentic holiday-themed content is essential for engaging customers. Producing unique photos and videos for each digital platform has historically been difficult for creative teams of all sizes. Many teams now look to StudioNow to easily produce on-brand photos and videos at scale especially around the holidays. With fast turnaround times and thousands of photographers, videographers, and production companies to choose from, getting diverse holiday content is attainable and fits in a tight timeline!

Last year, Carlsberg, Heineken, USPS, and Pernod-Ricard, among others, produced holiday content using StudioNow’s marketplace of creatives. Check out the results below:


Last year, Carlsberg produced localized holiday imagery featuring their staple Kronenbourg 1664 beer. They wanted their images to focus on family, Christmas, and New Years festivities in an authentic way that resonated with their customers in each geographical region. With images of friends around the Christmas tree and scenes on the ski mountain, Carlsberg was able to accomplish all of their holiday content goals in a timely manner using StudioNow’s creators and powerful content production platform.

Because it’s easy to produce photos and videos in multiple locations at once on StudioNow, Carlsberg’s creative team was able to quickly capture content that resonated with their audiences in Toronto, Germany, and Austria. The images below were shot by photographers Richelle Hunter, Manuela Larissegger, Jenny Karakaya.

friends cheers in winter Woman hanging christmas ornaments Beer christmas tree friends enjoying beer and winter


E-commerce companies saw a huge spike in sales during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now two years after the beginning of Covid, buying products predominantly online is here to stay. Legacy beer brand Heineken was agile and ready for the change. For the 2020 holiday season, Heineken decided to double down on their ecomm presence hoping to reach their more modern audience. Their goal was to produce authentic holiday photos and GIFs by placing their products in relevant holiday scenes. They hired two photographers on StudioNow to get the job done quickly and to increase variety. The images below were shot by photographers Nathan Tescon and Arielle Ferraro in California and New York.

Friends cheers with beers


USPS plays a major role in many family and friends’ holiday seasons across the United States. Last year, USPS wanted to produce localized photos in multiple specific cities at once. With an emphasis on their involvement in holiday shipping, USPS chose to capture content in Oregon, New York, California, and Colorado featuring their boxes, trucks, and post office locations. The final photos were unique to each geographic location and the time of year. The images below were shot by photographers Jacob Boynton, Jinnifer Douglass, and Summer Luu.

person carrying package for holidays Package in christmas tree for holidays

Packages under christmas tree for holidays person mailing package for holidays


Focusing on their brands Absolut and Kahlua, Pernod-Ricard opted to get images that would show off their alcohol products in a more intimate setting. They knew 2020’s holiday gatherings would be smaller due to the pandemic, so they focused on at-home scenes and added a localized feel by assigning different StudioNow creators to the same concept in four of their biggest markets: California, New York, Ohio, and Florida. What their creative team brought back were authentic and inspiring images, videos, and GIFs for the holiday season. The images below were shot by photographers Arielle Ferraro, Courtney Nielsen, and Amanda Julca.

woman mixing holiday drink friends celebrating holidays

woman holding drink for holidays friends drinking holiday drinks


Get started:

Sign up for free and start your first holiday photo or video shoot now with StudioNow to get content in time for the upcoming season. StudioNow has photographers, videographers, and production companies in over 2,000 cities worldwide eager to create custom content for brands like yours.

A Basic Understanding of Photo Licensing and Other Rules for Using Stock Photos Mon, 10 May 2021 18:28:12 +0000 Read More]]> What is Stock Photography?

Stock photography is defined as an archive of images that can be licensed commercially. If you sell a product or service, you automatically have a commercialized need for stock photography in order to support any required marketing collateral. Because of that, you need to license the rights to use a photo for that commercial need. ‘Every day you see pictures in magazines, advertisements, posters, online and on TV. The reality is most of the images used were not created specifically for that product, concept, or promotion. The images those companies use are stock photographs. Stock photos are ready-made images that are licensable for use in your advertising or promotional materials. This ability to search for a specific image saves time and money. At the end of the day, that is what businesses want.’ (Cited material)

How does it work?

‘Most Royalty Free stock photography archives operate on a subscription or credit-based system. Credits allow you to purchase more credits at a discount over the basic credit rate. Usually, you will run into these two pricing models: downloads of single images purchased with credit packs, or monthly or annual subscriptions. Hands down if you are planning to download multiple images, a subscription would be a smart buy for an Image Buyer. If you really just need a single image, usually the single download prices are reflected next to the available resolutions of an image.’ (Cited material)

‘Stock Photography has two sides to it. The consumer and the photographer. As expected, consumers browse images from search results and download them. Photographers, on the other hand, can submit their photography and get paid a percentage if their image gets downloaded and legally licensed. If you are a photographer that is looking to make some extra money on the side, this option is always available.’ In the stock photo industry, you should have three things handy to succeed: time, patience, and a good camera. If you have a good eye, understand light as it relates to a subject, and have a fair amount of patience, stock photography is a true numbers game that brings success. The more you shoot, the better you will become, and the more photos you will be able to sell. (Cited material)

Even though photographers normally prefer assignment work as a main source of income, stock photography is one of the many other sources of monetization for a photographer. It’s a good idea to have an open mind about stock photography as it can contribute up to 30% of a photographer’s total annualized income.

girl looking right working on computer
Blake Bronstad / StudioNow

Introduction to Photo Licensing

In our industry, we often hear about confusion regarding licensing of Premium (or traditional) Royalty-Free and Rights Managed Licensing. This section will provide information on the types of license rights available to image buyers, who they are, and fees collected on images. Always be sure to read and understand all of the license agreements from any stock agency archive before you submit to one as a photographer or buy from one as a photo buyer.

What is a Royalty Free Image? Royalty-Free Licenses (RF).

Every Royalty Free image license grants you basic royalty-free usage rights. For a one-time payment, a buyer (often referred to as an End User) may choose the photo size he or she may require and use the licensed photo over and over again for permitted uses defined in the licensing agreement such as advertising and promotional projects, websites, presentations, videos, commercials, catalogs, and broadcasting. Typically Royalty Free imagery provides 1–10 seat licenses for one End User. A seat license is defined by the number of individuals having the right to access and use the photo at one given time. An End User is defined as an entity or person(s) who can access the photo and use it for the permitted uses. Most agreements allow the image to be stored on a storage device.

What is a Rights-Managed Image? Managed Licenses (RM).

The term Rights Managed is used to describe the temporary use of an image. RM license fees are priced on a per-use basis and are often calculated on how many viewers will potentially see the image. The license price is calculated from the image display size, placement, geography, medium, and duration of use. Specifics matter on a license of a Rights Managed photo, and often after the rights expire, stock agencies use technology services like Image Protect or Pic Scout to scour the internet, looking for expired rights or infringement uses. The End User concept described earlier applies to all photo licensing.

Comping and Preview Policy for both (RF) and (RM) photos

Most stock agencies allow for the download of a photo with an applied watermark. Comping or Preview imagery is imagery that is available to potential image buyers to ‘try before the buy’. These images may only be used for preview purposes. Agencies permit an electronic version of its products to be used free of charge for a limited duration only if they are used for personal evaluation, and in any case, noncommercial use, and its grant of use is solely for test or sample purposes. Photographers who upload photos to stock agencies should feel comfortable with this business dynamic and use of their photos.

What about Attributions?

Regardless of if a photo is licensed under a Royalty-Free or Rights-Managed licensing model, we often get asked when and how a photographer’s name should be attributed next to the photo. While the exact location can vary, it’s typical to view attributions on an editorial use of a photo. Typically, the attribution will be positioned directly under the left-hand margin of a photo in a small font point size. Editorial use of photography is defined as such when a photo is used to illustrate a concept or story of a newsworthy event. An Editorial photo may be licensed as a Royalty Free and used in multiple publications or stories by one End-user; or as a Rights Managed license where usage would be limited to a single story or use.

girl with glasses holding a camera up to her face
Blake Bronstad / StudioNow

Copyright Ownership of Photos

Albeit a camera on a mobile phone or the latest technical marvel released by Canon, it’s a fundamental fact that the person who captures an image using it is the rightful copyright owner of the said image. Because of that, photographers can profit from that by licensing the rights to use that image in a chosen licensing model (as described above), sell the use of the image for a period of time (often referred to as a ‘Buyout’), or sell the copyright to the image. Most brands today find that owning the rights to an image free’s them from the burden of their teams’ misuse of the image or re-licensing the rights to the image. As such, most brands are willing to pay extra to obtain those rights.

Below is a list of leading North American Stock Photo Archives that license RF & RM photos.

Royalty-Free Stock Agencies:

Rights-Managed & Royalty-Free Stock Agencies:

The StudioNow approach:

We are a photographer-driven community founded on the principles of cooperative equality, respect, and fair distribution of profits. Our contributing photographers receive 50% of a photo purchased in our Marketplace and 90% of a photo purchased off an assignment. Brands can buy a Royalty-Free license to use the photos produced in an assignment or they can pay extra to obtain the copyright directly from the photographer.

Christina Vaughan / StudioNow

The Origin of StudioNow:

We saw photographers shooting on Instagram only to receive likes & the occasional free products. These photographers are more talented than that. They should be getting paid for what they do, just as any other professional gets paid to do what he/she does best.

The StudioNow Story

The landscape is evolving where stock photo companies are taking every penny & marginalizing photographers while stomping on creativity. The other side is where creativity is being pushed forward but no one is earning any money. On StudioNow, we take the best of these worlds and provide a fun path for any aspiring photographer to become a professional. StudioNow’s photo contest (called Challenges) provides anyone a chance to feel like a pro when their photo is chosen for our stock photo library marketplace. If a photo is chosen the photographer not only has a chance to make money if a buyer licenses their photo they earn points. The more points one earns the more success they have through user levels traversed. Eventually, a photographer can earn the status of a “Pro Level” affording them a chance to participate in assignments.

StudioNow has an invite-only marketplace of visual creators for brands and businesses who need to create content at scale. If you achieve the Pro Level on StudioNow, you will be invited. Marketing teams (varies by title, and there’s a lot, but here’s a few: Growth Marketers, Brand Managers, Creative Managers) can sign up and use our network to source creators to produce videos, photos, TikToks, and TV spots they need because they need assets to tell their product story or document their product. We monetize by charging a transaction fee for any budget that moves through the platform. Brands also pay an annual fee to access gated features and secure additional rights to the content. However, any brand can sign-up and immediately gain value by running a project through the marketplace for free.

Whether you’re a photographer itching to earn some money doing what you love, or a business manager looking to purchase authentic marketing material that will actually sell your products, StudioNow has the tools you need.

A Basic Understanding of Photo Licensing and Other Rules for Using Stock Photos Mon, 26 Apr 2021 14:39:27 +0000 Read More]]> What is Stock Photography?

Stock photography is defined as an archive of images that can be licensed commercially. If you sell a product or service, you automatically have a commercialized need for stock photography in order to support any required marketing collateral. Because of that, you need to license the rights to use a photo for that commercial need. ‘Every day you see pictures in magazines, advertisements, posters, online and on TV. The reality is most of the images used were not created specifically for that product, concept, or promotion. The images those companies use are stock photographs. Stock photos are ready-made images that are licensable for use in your advertising or promotional materials. This ability to search for a specific image saves time and money. At the end of the day, that is what businesses want.’ (Cited material)

How does it work?

‘Most Royalty Free stock photography archives operate on a subscription or credit-based system. Credits allow you to purchase more credits at a discount over the basic credit rate. Usually, you will run into these two pricing models: downloads of single images purchased with credit packs, or monthly or annual subscriptions. Hands down if you are planning to download multiple images, a subscription would be a smart buy for an Image Buyer. If you really just need a single image, usually the single download prices are reflected next to the available resolutions of an image.’ (Cited material)

‘Stock Photography has two sides to it. The consumer and the photographer. As expected, consumers browse images from search results and download them. Photographers, on the other hand, can submit their photography and get paid a percentage if their image gets downloaded and legally licensed. If you are a photographer that is looking to make some extra money on the side, this option is always available.’ In the stock photo industry, you should have three things handy to succeed: time, patience, and a good camera. If you have a good eye, understand light as it relates to a subject, and have a fair amount of patience, stock photography is a true numbers game that brings success. The more you shoot, the better you will become, and the more photos you will be able to sell. (Cited material)

Even though photographers normally prefer assignment work as a main source of income, stock photography is one of the many other sources of monetization for a photographer. It’s a good idea to have an open mind about stock photography as it can contribute up to 30% of a photographer’s total annualized income.

girl looking right working on computer
Blake Bronstad / StudioNow

Introduction to Photo Licensing

In our industry, we often hear about confusion regarding licensing of Premium (or traditional) Royalty-Free and Rights Managed Licensing. This section will provide information on the types of license rights available to image buyers, who they are, and fees collected on images. Always be sure to read and understand all of the license agreements from any stock agency archive before you submit to one as a photographer or buy from one as a photo buyer.

What is a Royalty Free Image? Royalty-Free Licenses (RF).

Every Royalty Free image license grants you basic royalty-free usage rights. For a one-time payment, a buyer (often referred to as an End User) may choose the photo size he or she may require and use the licensed photo over and over again for permitted uses defined in the licensing agreement such as advertising and promotional projects, websites, presentations, videos, commercials, catalogs, and broadcasting. Typically Royalty Free imagery provides 1–10 seat licenses for one End User. A seat license is defined by the number of individuals having the right to access and use the photo at one given time. An End User is defined as an entity or person(s) who can access the photo and use it for the permitted uses. Most agreements allow the image to be stored on a storage device.

What is a Rights-Managed Image? Managed Licenses (RM).

The term Rights Managed is used to describe the temporary use of an image. RM license fees are priced on a per-use basis and are often calculated on how many viewers will potentially see the image. The license price is calculated from the image display size, placement, geography, medium, and duration of use. Specifics matter on a license of a Rights Managed photo, and often after the rights expire, stock agencies use technology services like Image Protect or Pic Scout to scour the internet, looking for expired rights or infringement uses. The End User concept described earlier applies to all photo licensing.

Comping and Preview Policy for both (RF) and (RM) photos

Most stock agencies allow for the download of a photo with an applied watermark. Comping or Preview imagery is imagery that is available to potential image buyers to ‘try before the buy’. These images may only be used for preview purposes. Agencies permit an electronic version of its products to be used free of charge for a limited duration only if they are used for personal evaluation, and in any case, noncommercial use, and its grant of use is solely for test or sample purposes. Photographers who upload photos to stock agencies should feel comfortable with this business dynamic and use of their photos.

What about Attributions?

Regardless of if a photo is licensed under a Royalty-Free or Rights-Managed licensing model, we often get asked when and how a photographer’s name should be attributed next to the photo. While the exact location can vary, it’s typical to view attributions on an editorial use of a photo. Typically, the attribution will be positioned directly under the left-hand margin of a photo in a small font point size. Editorial use of photography is defined as such when a photo is used to illustrate a concept or story of a newsworthy event. An Editorial photo may be licensed as a Royalty Free and used in multiple publications or stories by one End-user; or as a Rights Managed license where usage would be limited to a single story or use.

girl with glasses holding a camera up to her face
Blake Bronstad / StudioNow

Copyright Ownership of Photos

Albeit a camera on a mobile phone or the latest technical marvel released by Canon, it’s a fundamental fact that the person who captures an image using it is the rightful copyright owner of the said image. Because of that, photographers can profit from that by licensing the rights to use that image in a chosen licensing model (as described above), sell the use of the image for a period of time (often referred to as a ‘Buyout’), or sell the copyright to the image. Most brands today find that owning the rights to an image free’s them from the burden of their teams’ misuse of the image or re-licensing the rights to the image. As such, most brands are willing to pay extra to obtain those rights.

Below is a list of leading North American Stock Photo Archives that license RF & RM photos.

Royalty-Free Stock Agencies:

Rights-Managed & Royalty-Free Stock Agencies:

The StudioNow approach:

We are a photographer-driven community founded on the principles of cooperative equality, respect, and fair distribution of profits. Our contributing photographers receive 50% of a photo purchased in our Marketplace and 90% of a photo purchased off an assignment. Brands can buy a Royalty-Free license to use the photos produced in an assignment or they can pay extra to obtain the copyright directly from the photographer.

Christina Vaughan / StudioNow

The Origin of StudioNow:

We saw photographers shooting on Instagram only to receive likes & the occasional free products. These photographers are more talented than that. They should be getting paid for what they do, just as any other professional gets paid to do what he/she does best.

The StudioNow Story

The landscape is evolving where stock photo companies are taking every penny & marginalizing photographers while stomping on creativity. The other side is where creativity is being pushed forward but no one is earning any money. On StudioNow, we take the best of these worlds and provide a fun path for any aspiring photographer to become a professional. StudioNow’s photo contest (called Challenges) provides anyone a chance to feel like a pro when their photo is chosen for our stock photo library marketplace. If a photo is chosen the photographer not only has a chance to make money if a buyer licenses their photo they earn points. The more points one earns the more success they have through user levels traversed. Eventually, a photographer can earn the status of a “Pro Level” affording them a chance to participate in assignments.

StudioNow has an invite-only marketplace of visual creators for brands and businesses who need to create content at scale. If you achieve the Pro Level on StudioNow, you will be invited. Marketing teams (varies by title, and there’s a lot, but here’s a few: Growth Marketers, Brand Managers, Creative Managers) can sign up and use our network to source creators to produce videos, photos, TikToks, and TV spots they need because they need assets to tell their product story or document their product. We monetize by charging a transaction fee for any budget that moves through the platform. Brands also pay an annual fee to access gated features and secure additional rights to the content. However, any brand can sign-up and immediately gain value by running a project through the marketplace for free.

Whether you’re a photographer itching to earn some money doing what you love, or a business manager looking to purchase authentic marketing material that will actually sell your products, StudioNow has the tools you need.

Twitter Testing 4k Images and Youtube Support Mon, 29 Mar 2021 20:01:20 +0000 Read More]]> Twitter has confirmed in a series of tweets that it is in the process of testing some long-awaited improvements to how it displays images and videos. This is everything you need to know so you’ll be informed and ready when the changes go live for all audiences.

Full-Size Images in the Twitter Timeline

For single image tweets only, images will no longer be cropped when displayed in the timeline. What you see in the composer preview is what the tweet will look like in the timeline after it is published.

4k Image Support

Twitter has a test pool of users who can upload and view high-resolution, 4k images on Android and iOS. Support for high-quality photos is huge for artists, photographers, marketers, reporters, and anyone else who relies on visual media.

To see if you’re in the test group, head to the Data Usage section of your Twitter app:

Youtube Videos Embedded in the Twitter Timeline

Currently, when a user tweets a Youtube video, they have to leave the Twitter conversation to watch the video. Twitter is testing making those videos playable from the Home timeline without leaving the conversation.

This is significant because it allows Twitter users to bypass Twitter’s aggressive video compression by uploading to Youtube at a higher resolution than posting the Youtube link to their Twitter timeline.

Currently, Twitter is testing embedded Youtube links on iOS only.

Other Features Coming

In addition to these image and video enhancements, the social network has Twitter Spaces, and the Super Follow feature coming soon.

Currently, there is no way to opt-in to be a tester for these features; they are rolling out for groups of new users in waves in the coming weeks.
