Video Production – StudioNow Creative Production Experts & Visual Content Marketplace Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:30:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Video Production – StudioNow 32 32 4 March Madness Marketing Campaigns To Inspire You Fri, 17 Mar 2023 14:51:05 +0000 Read More]]>

Popular sporting events, seasonal holidays, or national events can be helpful content pillars to inspire your marketing efforts and spark a connection with your audience.

March Madness is one of the most anticipated sports seasons of the year, and an excellent example of a sporting event many organizations focus marketing campaigns on. The season runs for a whole month and captures the attention of nearly 11 million people, making it easy to see why brands use this seasonal event to their advantage. 

So how exactly are brands using March Madness to create engaging and impactful content this year, and how can you do it, too? In this article, we’ll provide inspiration and ideas for designing your own seasonal campaign with examples from genuine brands. And in true March Madness fashion, we’ll predict how far they’ll go on our bracket.

Jersey Mike’s rewrites an anthem.

This amusing campaign shows Danny Devito training Jersey Mike’s employees in the art of meat slicing and sandwich making. There’s an apparent sporting angle, shown through Jersey Mike employees doing pull-ups and Danny sporting a rather fetching whistle, all of which feed into the March Madness theme.

The campaign is also audibly captivating and witty, using the instantly recognizable song’ eye of the tiger’ and replacing the lyrics with a more sandwich-themed ‘arm of the slicer’ lyrics—genius.

We found this advertisement charming, original, and fun, and scored them a spot in the Final Four.

Pizza Hut serves up nostalgia.

Pizza Hut, the “Official Pizza of March Madness” has brought back a fan-favorite toy from the 20th century for its March Madness campaign; its Mini Basketballs.

For a limited time, customers can order the black and red mini basketballs, emblazoned with the company’s slogan: ‘Nobody Out Pizzas the Hut’ for $7 through the Pizza Hut website and app. The mini basketballs pair perfectly with pizza orders during the tournament, featuring an interactive hoop in the pizza box for customers to get into the basketball action at home.

This campaign is a nostalgic, family-friendly, and delicious way for Pizza Hut to engage with its audience for the March Madness season; landing them in the Elite Eight.


Capital One stacks the bench with celebrities.

In this Capital One campaign, we see yet another fun remake of a famous song, rewritten to fit the theme of March Madness. Are Capital One and Jersey Mike’s employing the same marketing team? Well, if they aren’t, they’re definitely on the same wavelength.

Capital One has taken the opportunity to promote its venture card and its A-list-worthy creative budget. The campaign has an all-star cast consisting of Samuel L Jackson, Spike Lee, Charles Barkley Jackson, Willie Nelson, Jennifer Garner, sportscaster Jim Nantz, and basketball icon Magic Johnson… (takes a breath).

In the advertisement, we see our celebrities taking an all-American road trip, singing the classic Willie Nelson song ‘On the road again’ which they have topically adapted to; “The life I love is watching b-ball with my friends – and I can’t wait to get on the road again.”

This campaign has a high production quality, and we do really like Jennifer Garner. However, the storyline was a bit of a miss and knocked this campaign out in the Sweet 16.

LG Raises Awareness Using Student Athletes

LG Electronics USA uses its March Madness campaign to highlight the importance of mental health and wellness among student-athletes with its “Game 4 Good” campaign. The campaign brings together some of the biggest names in college basketball to raise awareness of the importance of mental health by sharing athlete stories, highlighting charitable organizations, and donating on behalf of student-athletes to their chosen resources to support mental health.

LG created short-form videos for each student-athlete involved in the campaign and repurposed that content to share across their website and social media channels.

LG used the topic of March Madness to demonstrate their values as a company and to give back and connect with their younger audience. Well done, LG, you’re going to the National Championship.

Feeling inspired?

If you’d like some more March Madness inspiration, check out the six slam dunk marketing campaign ideas we covered in 2021.

Whether you decide to keep it casual and remake a world-famous song with an all-star cast, bring back a nostalgic hit toy or use March Madness as an opportunity to raise awareness for an important cause – we can all agree that popular sporting events, seasonal holidays, or national events serve as helpful content pillars to inspire your marketing efforts and spark a connection with your audience.

Need some help creating custom content for your brand? Start a project with StudioNow or talk to one of our producers

How to Master Visual Production in Marketing Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:04:21 +0000 Read More]]> Competition is all around us. Whether we’re on the tennis court, football field, battlefield, or business field, competition can be fierce, and your competitors want what you have. They also want to stop you from achieving your goals.

Ivan Drago told Rocky Balboa when they faced each other in Rocky IV, “I must break you.” While there may not be other businesses that want to completely break you the way the Russian wanted to break the protagonist in Rocky, there are enough that desire to outperform and outmaneuver you.

For this very reason, marketers, and the companies they work for, must be proactive, resourceful, and very nimble. One of the best ways to do this is to leave a meaningful impression on your target audience with your content.

In a world full of sameness, such as generic images often found on websites offering stock images and video, marketers must stand out and capture that valuable piece of real estate in their prospect’s mind. But marketers don’t have to be Hollywood heavyweights to master visual production. It’s easier than you might think.

Basketball Jump Visual Content Product Photography

Mastering Visual Production Because of How Our Brains Work

A variety of audiences, regardless of whether they are consumers or B2B prospects, prefer to digest information when it’s presented visually.

According to a HubSpot study, 80% of people remember things they see. Alternatively, only 20% of people remember things they read. Our brains are highly receptive to viewing and digesting content because we can process those images much faster than the written word.

We don’t have to abandon written content. We must properly marry the right amount of content with the right amount of visual imagery. Mastering this concept will give you an advantage over your competitors.

Mastering Visual Production Because Video is King

Marketers must understand those practices that readily facilitate video use as a key component of an overall marketing strategy. For many brands, video has become the primary tool used to communicate the benefits of their brand.

This doesn’t mean that one needs a 20 million dollar budget to incorporate more video production into their marketing mix effectively. It means that solutions are available, such as a visual production platform that has democratized production so that brands at every creativity and budget level can leverage visually stunning video to make that emotional connection with audiences.

That emotional connection with an audience is what stunning video that’s tailored to your specific needs achieves.

Video Behind the Scenes visual production

Mastering Visual Production Because the Tools are There

Creating specific images tailored to your brand’s particular requirements is exactly what every marketer should pursue. Searching for, selecting, and deploying freelance visual resources, whether they be photographers or videographers, is necessary to capture those tailored visual assets.

Does every organization want to go through that process or have the budget to do so?

There is an ideal option available to help marketers obtain the perfect visual asset without the high cost or typical hassle. Video production platforms, like StudioNow, have streamlined the use of visual production professionals while removing constraints associated with geography, style, budgets, and volume.

Visual production platforms also enable communication among multiple stakeholders within networks to ensure the right person handles the right project – all within budget.

The tools are available. The question is whether marketers will use them to master visual production.

Mastering Visual Production Because Distribution is Gold

Having great visual content is one thing. Knowing what to do with it can be completely different. When deployed properly, visual assets can be used repeatedly across multiple platforms and through a series of complimentary messages.

Distributing video across Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and more will cultivate a viral effect and convey your organization’s message over and over. This is crucial since more and more people are relying on video for information.

Not only can visual assets have multiple lives, but they can also be edited, shortened, and blended with other content to extend their lifespan. To show how important it is to leverage various platforms just for video, 85% of all Internet users in the U.S. viewed online video content every month on one or more devices.

Also, the popularity of video shared across all social media is illustrated by the fact that 76% of marketers plan to use video on Facebook while 88% of them plan on using it on YouTube. The opportunity and audience are there.

5 steps to Video Marketing Production and Distribution

The Results Speak for Themselves

Because Internet users spend 6 hours and 48 minutes every week, on average, watching videos online, various audiences are ripe for viewing new content that can elicit an emotional connection and carve out valuable real estate in their minds.

Think this is a bit far fetched?

Consider the fact that 93% of marketers say they’ve secured new customers because of video used on social media. Furthermore, 88% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI derived from video marketing activity on social media.

You don’t have to be a Hollywood bigwig to master visual marketing production and all the components associated with it. All you need is a desire to maximize the tools and platforms available to you and deliver assets to audiences that want to hear from you.

Who knows? Your next production could win you the marketing equivalent of an Academy Award.
